Red Light Cameras, More Marijuana Stores Top Public Safety Committee Agenda

October 8, 2019

Everett Government


Everett is authorized by the State to have 10 stores within the city limits. The city council has capped that number at 5.

Should Everett use red light cameras?

A couple of years ago the Everett City Council brought back committees to allow small groups of council members to discuss and gather information on topics that may later be brought before the entire council for action.

Sometimes ideas discussed in committees are brought forward and other times they are not.

This Wednesday afternoon the Public Safety Committee of the Everett City Council is going to be discussing two topics that could be of interest to lots of people in Everett.

First up is a continued discussion on expanding the number of retail marijuana stores in Everett to the State allotment of 10 from the current five stores the council voted to allow in May of 2018. Council member Liz Vogeli has been lobbying for the increase in the number of stores for several months. The last time the issue was before the committee on September 11th Chair Brenda Stonecipher also mentioned she was a little uncomfortable protecting a monopoly and stated she had several unanswered questions. You can click here to watch the video from the September 11th meeting.

The other item of note on the agenda is a discussion of the use of Red Light Cameras within the Everett City limits. Again this is a council committee discussion and no action will be taken but it may be interesting to see where this is headed.

One reminder. There is no public comment taken at committee meetings. The public is welcome to watch the Public Safety Committee hearing in person. It is set for 5:15 PM this Wednesday night in the city council chambers at 3002 Wetmore in downtown Everett.

The city also live-streams the meetings on its website and airs meetings live on cable TV. If people want to comment on something they saw in a committee meeting they can address the full council during the public comment portion of the full City Council meeting that begins at 6:30 PM following the committee meeting.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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