Everett Community College Gives Trojan Mascot A Makeover

September 17, 2019


Here is the new “Spirit Mark”

There have been multiple updates to the Trojan over the years.

This in Monday from Everett Community College regarding the updating of the Trojan which has been used by the school since 1942.

The college is introducing a new Trojan design, continuing EvCC’s 78-year use of the Trojan symbol for student spirit and college athletics.

Everett Junior College students selected the Trojans as the college’s mascot in 1942 by popular vote, with the Trojans besting the Seahawks, Loggers, Grizzlies, Pilots, Aces and Cascadians.

In the past seven decades, the college has used several versions of the Trojan design. EvCC’s new Trojan design, also known as a spirit mark, symbolizes and honors the Trojan spirit.

EvCC athletic teams and Student LIFE office are using the new Trojan, and students, faculty, staff and visitors will see it on campus starting today (Sept. 16). Watch for the new design on outdoor banners on Broadway in north Everett soon.

The new Trojan was created by Slagle Design owner Jeremy Slagle, who did extensive research about EvCC and Trojans to create a unique spirit mark for the college.

As part of the year-long design process EvCC’s Student LIFE and Athletics offices conducted a survey, talked with students and worked with multiple departments across campus.

“Those discussions provided the framework for the design process that ultimately resulted in a strong representation of Everett Community College values and pride in the Trojan spirit mark,” said Garet Studer, EvCC Director of Athletics.

The new Trojan design includes a key part of the college’s logo, the Feather Star (red pointy triangle), which is inspired by the three spires of the Feather Star sculpture located near EvCC’s Parks Student Union.

The sculpture was one of the only pieces left standing after arson destroyed the college’s student union and library in 1987, a blaze that Everett Firefighter Gary Parks died fighting. The Feather Star became a symbol of rebirth and a part of the college’s logo.

EvCC’s logo design is not changing and will continue to be used for college business.

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