A can of beer can be seen on the ground outside of the suspect’s vehicle as a detective looks inside.
Detectives from the Traffic Safety Unit continue to investigate the serious injury collisions that occurred on July 22 in north Everett. The suspect in the collisions was one of four people that were seriously injured, and he was eventually transported to Harborview Medical Center, where he continues to undergo treatment. None of the involved parties have life threatening injuries.
The investigation is ongoing but it is believed that alcohol and reckless driving were key contributers to the collisions When the suspect is released from the hospital, detectives anticipate he will be booked for three counts of Vehicular Assault (RCW 46.61.522).
People that may have information related to the event are encouraged to call the Everett Police Department’s tip line at (425)257-8450.
July 23, 2019
Police Blotter