Everett Fire To Study Risks In Everett, Washington

July 23, 2019

Everett Fire

The study of risk in Everett will last about a year.

The City of Everett, Washington has been chosen as one of the first cities in the nation to participate in a study of life-safety and fire risks down to the block-level in the city. Here’s more in a message received today from the Everett Fire Department.

The Everett Fire Department is among the first 25 agencies nationwide to be awarded a National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) grant. The grant allows the department to participate in the first round of the NFPA Community Risk Assessment (CRA) pilot project, which will eventually have 50 participating agencies.

A CRA is an in-depth evaluation that identifies, prioritizes, and defines the risks that pertain to the overall community at the lowest level that data can be in as a target set, such as a street block or parcel. The CRA is an important first step in a community risk reduction (CRR) process.

This yearlong pilot project, completed by July 2020, gives the Everett Fire Department free access to the NFPA CRA digital tool that will assist with the risk assessment process and help the department develop data-informed risk reduction plans. The development of this visualization tool will allow the department to:
• Identify local risks to life and property;
• Understand underlying conditions that may contribute to those risks;
• Activate teams to develop community risk reduction (CRR) plans informed by the data; and
• Share findings with stakeholders.

“Ultimately, completion of a CRA will provide us with a better, data-driven understanding of fire and life-safety risks in our community,” said Everett Fire Chief Dave DeMarco. “It is a win for the community.”

The CRA process, an integral component of the Everett Fire Department’s overall strategic plan, already had an anticipated completion goal of 2020. The opportunity to participate in this project is timely. There is no expense for participation in this project.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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