Top Two Administrators At Snohomish Health District Resign

June 18, 2019


8:20 PM Editor’s Update: Received a return call from Shawn Frederick who has been appointed as Interim Administrator. He advised that the resignations were part of an amicable separation between the Health District and the two administrators but said he could provide no details or context on the resignations.

Health District

The Snohomish Health District building on Rucker.

Without providing any detail the Snohomish Health District issued the following press release just after 6:30 PM Tuesday night.

At its special meeting earlier today, the Board of Health accepted and approved the resignation of Jefferson Ketchel and Dr. Mark Beatty. The Board also appointed Shawn Frederick, the District’s Administration Services Director, as Interim Administrator. Dr. Chris Spitters, the District’s contracted physician for tuberculosis control, will serve as acting health officer until a permanent replacement can be selected.

Ketchel became administrator of the Health District in April of 2017 while Beatty came on as Health Officer in August 2017.

There was a special board meeting held this afternoon where the resignations were accepted. We’ll follow up with more information as it becomes available.

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