Sound Transit Says Everett Light Rail Is On Track

May 30, 2019

Everett, Everett Government

Sound Transit

What the north end will look like at final build out in 2036. (click to enlarge)

There are 3 stations proposed in the Everett city limits. Segments are both elevated and surface level through Everett.

Wednesday night Sound Transit briefed the Everett City Council on plans for light rail.

Peter Rogoff, CEO of Sound Transit told the Mayor and Council members that both the Lynnwood segment that is slated to open in 2024 and the Everett segment set for 2036 are on schedule.

Rogoff said the public will really notice a change first with the Lynnwood project as trees come down along I-5 in the area of the light rail line. “We are planting four trees for every one we cut down,” said Rogoff. The Northgate to Lynnwood segment is 8.5 miles and will have four stations. It is set to open in five years.

The Everett segment is the longest of any individual Sound Transit stretch at 16.3 miles. There are four stations in Everett. One at 99 and Airport Rd.

One at the southwest Everett Industrial Center near Boeing, east of Airport Rd. between 526 and Casino Road.

Another is at 526 and Evergreen Way an area where Rogoff says they want to encourage pedestrian development.

The final stop would be somewhere near Everett Station east of downtown Everett. Pre-planning is underway for Everett with RFPs for consultants being developed and partnership talks and studies about to begin.

Rogoff brought up the topic that the Sound Transit Board is looking at alternatives for routes in West Seattle and Ballard.

Everett and Snohomish County officials have expressed concern that any changes to those plans could take money away from the Everett link. Money isn’t the only concern as Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin expressed. “It’s not just funding…but timeline,” Franklin said. “What is our safety net that the timeline won’t slide?”

Rogoff responded that both the Sound Transit Board and the law were acting as Everett’s safety net. “As a matter of law we cannot endanger one project for the benefit of another.”

A citizen brought up that King County has more seats on the Sound Transit Board than Snohomish and Pierce County combined and that leaves places like Everett at a disadvantage. Rogoff said the board reviews the number of seats as a result of the census population counts and so there was a possibility the number of seats on the board could change though population was going up all across the region and not just in the north or south end.

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