Editor’s Update 7:15 PM: In response to questions the City of Everett has provided MyEverettNews.com a link to the agreement between LIME for a trial of the electric scooters in Everett through Labor Day. Also today LIME announced a kickoff event tomorrow morning (FRI) at 9 AM in front of the Everett Performing Arts Center at 2730 Wetmore.
Scooter share pilot program_agreement_v.8_Final_5.7.19
The agreement outlines the rules including a where the scooters can park, that they must be picked up from the streets each night, a provision that the City receives a one-time fee in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500) for the City’s consideration of this Agreement along with a per trip fee equal to ten cents ($0.10) times every trip initiated within the City limits. This fee will be paid quarterly upon the completion of every 3 calendar months of operations.
The City is also requiring LIME to provide data on customer complaints, reported injuries and the scooter travel data. Customers will have to follow the City of Everett’s city code 46.80 covering motorized foot scooters and all other wheeled recreational devices that are not otherwise regulated by state law. (yes helmets are required)
For some time city administrators have been in talks with LIME about bringing a 90-day pilot project to put 100 electric scooters around the streets of Everett, Washington.LIME Electric Scooters are currently in use in Tacoma, Spokane and coming soon to Bothell and Redmond. They are not allowed in Seattle at this time.
Last night the Everett City Council got a briefing from LIME on the scooter plan. Council members had concerns about people having access to helmets, riding on the sidewalks (they aren’t allowed), parking, the distribution of the scooters around the city, and how to get feedback.
LIME said their intent is to serve all of Everett. They did not however provide their initial roll out map to the council but said the city administration has it and will make it available. There was also no mention of the cost to ride the LIME electric scooter. The administration is moving forward on the roll out and no council action is required.
It has been rumored that scooters may make their initial appearance during the Fisherman’s Village Music Festival this weekend. We’ve asked the city for more information and will pass it along when we get more details.
May 16, 2019
Everett Government