The City of Everett is asking for input on where to best spend its available housing dollars. Here’s more.
The City of Everett’s Community Development Division is seeking input on how best to invest future Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, which are allocated annually by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).Each year the City receives funds from HUD and distributes them to public agencies, organizations, and neighborhoods for public projects that will directly benefit and target low-income areas and individuals. The Consolidated Plan is a long-term, five-year plan that guides annual projects and spending in this area.
As outlined in the Citizen Participation Plan related to the Consolidated Plan, the community has an opportunity to provide input on the needs and priorities identified for CDBG funding. The City is currently seeking community feedback on the Citizen Participation Plan, which will guide the public involvement process when the City begins updating the Consolidated Plan in April 2019.
“This is a great time to identify organizations, agencies, individuals, community groups, and other interested parties that should be a part of the discussion,” said Community Development Specialist Kembra Landry. “If there are additional efforts we should be taking, we want to hear from you!”
The Citizen Participation Plan is now available for public comment and review. If you are interested in attending a public meeting and providing input on what should be prioritized for funding, contact Kembra Landry at to be added to the notification list.
Comments on the plan can be made until April 9, 2019 and must be in writing. All comments should be sent to: Kembra Landry, Community Planning & Economic Development, 2930 Wetmore Ave, Suite 8A, Everett, WA 98201 or
The City of Everett is an equal housing opportunity agency. The City will, upon request, provide translators for non-English speaking and hearing impaired residents. The City strives to accommodate individuals with disabilities. Please contact Kembra Landry at 425-257-7155 or, if special accommodations are needed.
March 14, 2019
Everett Government