Sullivan To Run For Treasurer

February 17, 2019

Everett Government

With term limits bringing an end to his position representing Everett on the Snohomish County Council, Brian Sullivan announced last week he is officially running for Snohomish County Treasurer. Kirke Sievers, the current Treasurer is term-limited and cannot run for a fourth term. Here is Sullivan’s Official announcement:

Brian Sullivan

Candidate Supplied Photo

Snohomish County Councilmember Brian Sullivan has announced he will run for County Treasurer. Sullivan, who has worked on budgets across many levels of government, is running to replace incumbent treasurer Kirk Sievers, who is term limited.

“I’ve always worked toward creating a Snohomish County with strong fiscal health and great services that taxpayers can trust. It only feels natural that my next role should be managing the county’s treasury and protecting the hard-earned tax dollars of its residents,” said Sullivan.

A former mayor and state legislator before serving on the council, Sullivan has a range of budgetary experience at all levels of government. He is a strong advocate on the County Council for a rainy-day fund and played a key role in passing a Snohomish County finance reform package, which set aside millions of dollars in reserves for future needs or in the case of an emergency.

“I’ve worked on 12 city budgets, 11 county budgets, and 3 state budgets,” said Sullivan. “I know the ins-and-outs of financial decision-making, I’m a strong believer in fiscal accountability, balanced budgets, and the need for long term planning. Each year the County’s Treasury invests millions and collects taxes across the county. I’ll look for opportunities to meet these duties with a greater appreciation of the needs of our community.”

Sullivan hopes to create a more transparent Treasurer’s Office, with helpful tools and an improved focus on customer service. He aims to create a new online dashboard service that will allow better project tracking and a record of where investments have been made.

“With many in Snohomish County facing challenges from rising costs of living, I want to look at ways to build trust and provide needed assistance,” said Sullivan. “I will look at programs like incremental payments, partial tax payments and other reforms that can ease the tax burden on seniors, working families, and other vulnerable groups throughout the Snohomish County.”

Sullivan sign

Sullivan enters the race with the support of former State Treasurer Jim McIntire and former Snohomish County Treasurer Bob Dantini; Executive Dave Somers; Councilmembers Terry Ryan and Stephanie Wright; Sheriff Ty Trenary; State Senator Marko Liias, and State Representatives Mike Sells, Lillian Ortiz-Self, and Strom Peterson. Sullivan is also supported by Everett Firefighters, IAFF Local 46 and Snohomish County Fire Fighters, IAFF Local 2781.

“I’ve served alongside Brian in the State Legislature and worked with him in my time as State Treasurer. I know Brian will be a principled, thoughtful steward of our tax dollars,” said former State Treasurer Jim McIntire.

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