A nice honor for Cynthia Gaub, long time art teacher at North Middle School. Here’s more:
Each year the National Art Education Association (NAEA) celebrates outstanding art educators in all divisions and regions, and from each state and province in the national awards program. Winners are recognized at the national conventions.This year Cynthia Gaub, a teacher at North Middle School, is being honored as Pacific Region Middle School Art Educator of the Year.
Working at North since 2004, she says this about the importance of visual arts. “I believe visual arts can provide students with an important outlet.
“Teaching in an urban, high poverty school, I offer differentiated learning through the use of “Teaching for Artistic Behavior” pedagogy. Presenting at conventions has given me the opportunity to share my “Around the Room” technique for skill building in a choice setting. I share through my blog, arts education magazines, and by contributing to books, including Studio Habits and Engaging Learners.
Having recently finished serving as a co-president for the Washington State chapter of the association she is looking forward to new opportunities within the organization. Cynthia will be honored at several ceremonies at the Boston-held convention in March as well as being recognized by the Everett Public Schools Board of Directors this spring at the Community Resource Center located at 3900 Broadway in Everett.
“It is an honor to be recognized by my peers for the work that I have done with my students.”
January 26, 2019
Everett Schools