The work begins Monday but signs are already up to get drivers prepared for the project which will last more than two months.
Work is scheduled to begin Monday, Nov. 26, to install a water main in the northbound lanes of South Evergreen Way, from Holly Drive to East Casino Road. Signs will be posted advising motorists of traffic revisions.
A city contractor will replace 2,500 feet of pipe that was installed in the 1930s and is susceptible to breaks. The new pipe will improve water flow and reduce the risk of breaks.
Due to traffic volume on Evergreen Way, work will occur in the evening, beginning at 10 p.m. or midnight. During construction, the two outside northbound lanes adjacent to the worksite will be closed and traffic will be routed to the inner lane.
Work is expected to be complete by mid-February. For more information, visit www.everettwa.gov/WaterMainQ.
November 22, 2018