Everett Schools To Hold Forums On High School Growth

November 16, 2018

Everett Schools

Everett Schools logo The Everett School District is asking for public input on how to deal with current and projected growth at the three area High Schools.

High School Growth Mitigation Committee hosts three forums about student enrollment growth

  • Tuesday, Nov. 27, Jackson High School cafeteria, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Nov. 28, Cascade High School cafeteria, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, Nov. 29, Everett High School cafeteria, 6 – 7:30 p.m.

On July 3, 2018, the board of directors directed the district to form a committee that will “recommend revisions to high school enrollment boundaries beginning fall 2020 to reduce enrollment at Jackson High School; and complimentary and practical program changes, portable classrooms and minor schedule changes.” The High School Growth Mitigation Committee (HSGMC) was formed through an application and selection process to ensure districtwide high school representation.

The purpose of these first community forums is to capture community members’ thoughts on how best to fulfill the board of directors’ request and to take those thoughts into consideration.

At the second round of community forums, planned for late January 2019 to early February 2019, the HSGMC will present the work they have completed, gather feedback, concerns and comments, and finalize their recommendation to the Superintendent on March 31, 2019. In addition to these two community forums, the HSGMC will host an online community comment period Jan. 25 through Feb. 15, 2019.

Learn more about the High School Growth Mitigation Committee at http://bit.ly/HSGMC.


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