A person monitoring a video feed reported seeing a person inside the fenced storage yard at the Les Schwab. As officers arrived a man was seen running from the area of Les Schwab and after trying to hide in some bushes, he climbed into the back of a Honda parked across the street from the business. The Honda was running and the man’s wife was inside.
Police detained the couple and reviewed video footage which reportedly showed the husband entering the south yard of the business and staging several items including rims and a pressure washer outside of the gate. Entry had been made to the gate by cutting a lock.
Officers saw a pair of bolt cutters in the back of the Honda with the remnants of a lock still in their jaws. They also found a glove inside the Honda that matched another left at the burglary scene.
After advising the husband of his rights an officer wrote in the probable cause statement the man agreed to speak and said his heroin dealer sent him to the lot to get some items in exchange for a “teener” or 1.5 grams of heroin.
A police K-9 track confirmed the man entered the yard. The Honda was impounded pending a search warrant to recover evidence. Both the 49 year-old man and his 50 year-old wife were arrested and booked into the Snohomish County Jail for burglary.
October 29, 2018
Police Blotter