Last year we introduced a paid subscription for readers to help cover the costs of producing
Some people hated it and vowed never to visit this website again. Others signed up and actively support our efforts.
For those of you reading this right now I can understand you may fall on either side of the argument over paying for news on the internet. That’s why we do allow four visits a month to check it out.
To me one of the great things about the internet, if you don’t like what you see you can choose to look elsewhere to build a personal information feed that suits your taste. You can even build your own website and invite the world in to take a look.
For, I feel the combination of reader subscriptions and advertiser support is the right mix for the information I’ve been producing since 2011.
This year based on feedback we are introducing some new options. First, yes we have increased our yearly price from 3 cents a day to 6 cents a day. That works out to $20.00 a year.
Some folks told us they would prefer a monthly option with prices ranging from two to five dollars a month so we landed in the middle and have set the monthly price at $3.00 a month.
Finally some people told us they want to support what we do but do not want to be bothered with renewals and reminders so we have added a lifetime, never expiring subscription at $50.00.
Oh, if you know someone who likes what we do but does not want to pay for online news we have created a gift subscription option. Just click the graphic in the upper left of this story.
We are working on an app for your phone where as a subscriber you will have the option of being notified when we post a new story to We’re also posting less content to our social media sites of Twitter and Facebook as we want to provide as much value to our subscribers as possible.
At times we have had reports of access problems for subscribers with Tinypass-Piano our subscription vendor. If you have any issues with your subscription please contact me here by email at or call me at 425-280-7620 and I will address the issue as soon as possible.
Thanks for reading (and subscribing) to
Leland Dart – Publisher.
October 6, 2018