The Snohomish PUD announced today they’ve hit the 350,000 customer mark. They also provided a few more numbers…
Snohomish County PUD this month surpassed 350,000 customer accounts, up by about 35,000 from 10 years ago. Despite strong area growth – Snohomish County ranks among the fastest growing counties in the state – total energy usage by PUD customers has remained relatively flat.In fact, from 2007 to 2017, average annual residential customer usage dropped by more than 5%. The utility credits much of this to successful energy conservation by its customers, stricter energy codes and greater use of natural gas heat in new home construction.
Consider these other figures from Snohomish PUD:
• 6,400 miles of line maintained – or enough to stretch from Everett to Boston and back!
• 551 outages caused by birds and animals (2017).
• 115,000 utility poles maintained throughout the PUD’s 2,200 square mile service area.
• 11 million energy efficient bulbs used in local homes since 2001 – that’s more than 30 efficient bulbs per home!
• 40 years of PUD energy efficiency programs.
• 10,000 feet of side channels created in lower Sultan River to enhance juvenile salmon populations as part of the PUD’s Jackson Hydroelectric Project.
• 70% of PUD bills paid electronically by customers, through the PUD website, by phone, through banks or via third-party services.
• More than 18,000 customers benefitted from PUD low-income assistance programs in 2017.
For more information about the Snohomish County PUD electrical system, conservation programs, safety information and a range of other resources, visit
September 26, 2018