Gaggle Of Troopers Assist Everett PD Motorcycle Cops In School Zone Enforcement

September 6, 2018

Police Blotter


WSP and EPD motorcycles are staying busy this week. Photo credit: Everett Police

Editor’s Update Thursday 6:20 PM. Here are updated numbers from Aaron Snell at Everett PD: Over the first two days of school, Washington State Patrol joined Everett Police to help keep students safe by patrolling school zones. 53 vehicles were stopped with 39 speeding, 5 seat belt, and 3 cell phone violations issued. It’s dangerous for students and expensive for drivers to speed through school zones – Child safety should the priority!


Troopers joined Everett Police on the first day of school. Photo credit Everett Police.


29 citations were issued with no warnings given. Photo credit Everett Police.

According to Everett Police Spokesman Aaron Snell a “gaggle of troopers” rode in to assist Everett Police on the first day of school in Everett, Washington with traffic emphasis in school zones.

Washington State Patrol PIO Trooper Heather Axtman said in the 45 minutes troopers were with Everett PD in two different school zones the combined team issued 22 tickets and 0 warnings.

Snell said the final numbers for the morning emphasis were: 29 vehicles stopped with 22 speeding, 3 seat belt, 1 cell phone, 1 expired registration, & 2 no insurance violations issued…

Snell thanked the Traffic Safety Unit & WSP for helping keep students safe and said emphasis patrols will continue daily.

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