New Park At YMCA on Colby Likely To Be Named Art Grossman Memorial Park

August 19, 2018

Everett Government


Artist’s concept of the park looking from west to the east. (From city council presentation, click to enlarge)

On Wednesday the Everett City Council will be briefed regarding the naming of a new city park at the south end of the new YMCA under construction on Colby Avenue in the Glacier Park neighborhood.

The Everett Historical Commission has proposed naming the park after Doctor Arthur S. Grossman, a family practice doctor and obstetrician who practiced in Everett for decades.

In addition to his medical practice he taught fitness classes at the Everett YMCA and also served on the City of Everett Parks Board.

Back in March the city began the process of selecting a new name for the park and received nearly a hundred suggestions.

Those suggestions where whittled down to three and then forwarded to the Everett Historical Commission who selected Dr. Grossman’s name for nomination to the Everett City Council.

A council vote will be taken at the end of a public hearing. (Note this week’s meeting begins at 12:30 PM in council chambers at 3002 Wetmore in downtown Everett.)

Park construction should begin once the YMCA has been completed. That is expected to be in late 2019.

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