Everett Wants You To Get Together With Your Neighbors August 7th

national night out

Aaron Snell and Colby will be visiting neighborhoods again this year for National Night Out.


Neighbors packed Wiggums Hollow Park in 2012

night out

A big crowd last year at the Boys and Girls Club on West Casino Road.


A mariachi band played at Horizon Elementary during a National Night Out a few years ago.

Some will do barbecue, others will have ice cream socials and one or two may have live music as the city encourages neighborhoods to get together for National Night Out on Tuesday August 7th.

National Night Out has been going on for three decades and in Everett the city used to do one big event at the Everett Mall but in 2012 Everett decided to break it into smaller neighborhood gatherings all across the city.

Last year there were about 24 different neighborhoods officially participating along with other smaller gatherings at many multi-family complexes. Currently the city is putting together a list of what the various neighborhoods are doing and would like to see as much participation as possible. Here’s more on what the city is looking for.

The City of Everett invites community members to participate in National Night Out Against Crime (NNO) on Tuesday, Aug. 7. This annual event brings neighbors together to foster stronger, more vibrant communities and build better connections among residents.

“We are proud to participate in this event every year,” said Everett Police Chief Dan Templeman. “Neighbor-to-neighbor networks are a great way to improve safety in a community, and this event also gives our officers and other staff a chance to interact directly with those we serve.”

In 1984, 400 communities in 23 states participated in National Night Out. Since then, the event has grown to more than 38 million people in approximately 16,000 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canada and military bases worldwide.

More than 10 NNO celebrations are currently planned in Everett. Once again this year, members of the Everett Police and Fire departments, as well as Emergency Management personnel and other City teams, will travel throughout the city to participate with neighborhoods and small block watch groups at their events.

“We encourage residents to start small by inviting a group of your neighbors to get together and learn more about each other,” said Wendy McClure, neighborhoods and community engagement coordinator. “Something as simple as a BBQ can be very effective in building new connections, and neighbors who know each other are more likely to look out for each other and to support each other when crime or natural disasters strike.”

There is still time to register your event. Visit the City’s website to find a nearby event or to register an event: everettwa.gov/nno.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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