Planning Commission To Hear Refinements To Metro Everett Plan Tuesday Night

Metro Everett

Here are the proposed borders for Metro Everett.

Metro Everett

Big changes in density, parking requirements and the future of Everett are being discussed.

After years of work a decision is getting close on the plan known as “Metro Everett”. For a casual observer here is an explanation from the City on the concept.

“Metro Everett” is a diverse and large area, over one square mile, and includes the downtown business district, Everett station area, portions of the Broadway corridor, and surrounding commercial and residential areas.

Everett’s population is expected to grow at an unprecedented rate in the next twenty years based on existing city limits. And with previous direction from citizens and from Puget Sound Regional Council, a significant portion of the projected growth is expected to occur in the Metropolitan Center.

This planning process will result in a subarea plan for the Metropolitan Center and will address population, housing and employment targets, policies and potential land-use regulations for the area.

On June 5th there was a public hearing where citizens got to speak their piece to the Everett Planning Commission about the proposed Metro Everett Plan.

Tomorrow night (Tuesday June 19th) the Planning Commission will hear from city staff on how they addressed that input as well as several written submissions on the plan.

    Issues that will be covered Tuesday night include:
  • Changes in response to concerns raised by the Norton-Grand Historic Overlay neighborhood
  • Options for medical clinics and social services on the ground floor
  • Some policy enhancements based on comments from the Everett Station District Alliance
  • Some changes to bicycle parking requirements based on input from Everett Bike Walk

David Stalheim, Long Range Planning Manager for the City of Everett issued a thirteen page memo that outlines the input received and the city staff recommended changes to the Metro Everett Plan or answers when no change was recommended. Click here to see the 13 page memo.

If you want to know what zoning is proposed for property you may own in Metro Everett, click on this link here to get an interactive map. This map includes proposed land use/zoning, street designations, heights and Metro Everett off-street parking areas as of 5/8/18. More questions? Email

Planning staff have completed an analysis of development capacity and growth targets. Click here for the report.

Planning staff have also completed an Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Comprehensive Plan 10-year update for action on the Metro Everett Subarea Plan and Development Standards. Click here for that Addendum.

There is a wealth of information on the city’s Metro Everett web page including maps, plans, studies, reports and a wide range of documents. Click here to visit the Metro Everett web page.

The Planning Commission meeting will be held in the Everett City Council Chambers at 3002 Wetmore Avenue in downtown Everett. (Tuesday June 19th) The meeting starts at 6:30 PM. It can also be seen on Everett TV on the city’s website and cable TV channels. Once the Planning Commission is finished with their recommendations the Metro Everett Plan will move to the Everett City Council for final actions and approvals.

About My Everett News Staff

My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live and work in Everett.

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