Everett City Council Readying Two Choices For Council Districts On Fall Ballot

June 11, 2018

Everett Government


The district battle is heating up for the fall ballot.

On June 20th members of the Everett City Council will begin working out what to put on the fall ballot in the way of options for voters to consider on council districts.

From an early look at the draft ordinance there are two propositions city council looks to put before Everett voters.

The first is a proposition for people to decide if they want to elect council members by district.

The second proposition is to choose between two options. Four council districts with three council positions at large or five council districts with two positions at large.

City Council Districts will require several changes to the City of Everett Charter. Considerations include:

  • The length of time a candidate for office has been living in the district where they are running
  • When should the district elections begin implementation, 2021 or 2023?
  • If someone moves out of their district does that immediately vacate their office?
  • How is a Districting Commission created and how long is the term of commission members?

    You can see the entire proposed ordinance here. This is the starting point for the City Council deliberations beginning on June 20th.

    City Council 6-11-18 Draft Ord (1)

    To help with the process the Everett City Council retained attorney Hugh Spitzer to advise on various options and considerations regarding the districting process. Here is a memo Mr. Spitzer sent to the City of Everett outlining several questions and options the city will have to go through as districts are considered.

    Hugh Spitzer Memo (1)


    Click to visit the Everett Districts Now website with a link to their full proposal.

    Again it should be noted that this is an Everett City Council action to put City Council Districts before the voters this fall. This effort is completely separate from Everett Districts Now which has been working for two years on a plan to put five council districts with two at large positions before the voters. The group is currently gathering 4000 signatures to get their proposal on the fall ballot.

    Today the following was posted on the Everett Districts Now Facebook Page:

    It looks like Everett City Council, under the direction of Council President Paul Roberts, is preparing an opposing ballot measure! This is in direct opposition to our community efforts and is not supported by their community outreach! Stay tuned to this space and be prepared to speak at the June 20th City Council meeting at 6:30 pm at City Hall!

    The June 20th Everett City Council meeting is just the first reading of the ordinance. A full public hearing will have to happen before the council can vote on any districting ordinance. That is expected to take place in mid-July. We’ll let you know when that is scheduled.

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