Editor’s Note: It is the practice of MyEverettNews.com to offer candidates for office an introduction to our readers. We accept these from candidates who will appear on the ballots within the Everett City limits. They are published as a public service and in the order received. MyEverettNews.com does not endorse any candidates or issues. The profiles are not written by MyEverettNews.com.
The second profile received is from Tyler Rourke. Candidate for Everett City Council Position 4, He is on the ballot for the primary on August 7th. This is a non-partisan office.
For more information visit his website: www.votefortyler.org
My wife and I bought a small home in Everett in 2006, where today we are raising our two young boys. As lifelong residents of the Puget Sound region we were drawn to Everett by its affordability, family-wage employment options, rich history, and natural beauty. Over the past 12 years we have formed dear friendships and connected with our community in many different ways. Experiences with the YMCA, community bike rides, Sorticulture, our local small businesses, and thousands of serendipitous encounters with fellow community members have rewarded us with cherished memories and a feeling of pride in calling Everett home. Our family is very fortunate to live modestly in central Everett, just south of 41st St in the Glacier View neighborhood.
During my time here, I have seen Everett change in positive ways and I’m excited to feel a profound sense of momentum in that direction. Other changes, however, have been quite troubling. We all agree that homelessness, opioid abuse, and gang-related violence must be eliminated from our community, and sometimes it seems that we aren’t making progress in this regard.
As a parent, I’m frustrated by the need to scan our parks for needles and other things; as a responsible adult, I am annoyed to see litter strewn throughout our neighborhoods; as a hard-working taxpayer, I resent those who have stolen or vandalized my property. To these issues I will bring a positive and collaborative attitude, balanced by respect for our laws and an expectation of enforcement. As a human being, I understand that we all must have compassion for one another, look out for each other, and work together to make our society something great, but people who choose to break the law must also be held to account.
We’re not there now, but by investing in infrastructure, maintaining our city’s wonderful public amenities, supporting our local nonprofits and small businesses, and taking meaningful steps to ensure the long-term health and beauty of our natural environment, we can move Everett in a direction of long-term, sustainable prosperity.
Ultimately we all want the same thing: to live in a great community.
Let’s work together to ensure that Everett is safe, affordable, and vibrant. And when it’s time to hand it off, let’s leave it in better shape than the way we find it today.
Please cast your vote.
Tyler Rourke
June 1, 2018