WSU Everett Commencement This Saturday

May 8, 2018

Everett Schools

WSU Everett

WSU Everett graduates, faculty and staff will gather at WSU Everett and walk together across Broadway to the ceremony at EvCC.

It’s graduation time at WSU Everett. Here are the details from Randy Bolerjeck about Saturday’s graduation.

Washington State University Everett will graduate 96 students at its 2018 Commencement ceremony at 2:00 p.m. on May 12 at the Walt Price Fitness Center at Everett Community College. The ceremony will be live streamed. Go to to connect. Chancellor Paul Pitre will preside. Lindsey Major, president of the student body, will deliver the address and Laura Fierstein has been selected as the student speaker.

Prior to the ceremony, the Everett Police Department will shut down North Broadway for five minutes at 1:45 p.m. so WSU Everett graduates, faculty and staff may process across the street from WSU Everett to the Fitness Center.

During the ceremony, degrees will be conferred as follows:

  • Carson College of Business, Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Business Management: 9
  • Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Strategic Communication: 31
  • WSU Global Campus: 4
  • Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering: 20
  • Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: 35
  • Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture, Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering: 1

Four are veterans, five will graduate Summa Cum Laude, 11 earned Magna Cum Laude honors and 19 will graduate Cum Laude. During the processional, the student from each college with the highest grade point average carries in the gonfalon, a tall banner. This year’s gonfaloniers are: Olivia Fredrickson, Carson College; Samantha Chapman, Murrow College; and Ryan Durkoop, Voiland College.

U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Crystalynn Aurora Kneen, who is on active duty in Florida, will participate in the ceremony through a livestream from a phone. She graduated from Everett Community College in 2016, transferred to WSU Everett for her junior year, and finished her degree in Integrated Strategic Communication through the WSU Global Campus when she returned to the fleet in Miami. Read more about Kneen here.

Students will gather at WSU Everett at 915 North Broadway prior to the ceremony. The Walt Price Fitness Center is located at 2206 Tower Street.

Washington State University Everett is student- and community-centered, bringing industry-aligned undergraduate programs with an interdisciplinary focus to the North Puget Sound region. The campus brings WSU’s world-class academics to Everett in small class sizes with hands-on opportunities. WSU currently offers seven high-demand bachelor’s degrees in Everett, Wash.

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