Everett Bike Walk Group Asking City To Make Improvements

April 21, 2018


Everett Bike Walk

The next meeting if May 13th at 4:00 PM at Sno Isle Food Co-op at 2804 Grand Avenue.

Tour EFD

Bike riders gather at Everett Fire Station 1 on Rucker.


Lots of kids were along for the ride like this little on the front of his dad’s bike.


The showers stopped just in time for the start of the ride.

Saturday morning about 50 bicycle riders of all ages and abilities left Everett Fire Station 1 on Rucker for the 2nd annual Tour De E.F.D. a ride that visits every fire station in Everett.

The event was coordinated by a group known as Everett Bike Walk – An association promoting non-motorized transportation.

The group formed last September and meets monthly to educate themselves about nonmotorized transportation concepts, share what they learn with others and promote transportation change within the city of Everett.

Back in 2011 the City of Everett created a Bicycle Master Plan that the city called “a roadmap for including bicycling as a convenient and ultimately viable transportation option. The goal is to increase bicycle mode share by developing facilities and programmatic support that encourage more people in Everett to use their bicycle for more practical trips (to travel to work, the store, restaurants, etc.).” You can click here to see the entire 331 page plan.

The challenge for the city has been to go from planning to execution. Small steps have been taken but overall there has not been a lot of major progress on the plan with many bike lanes and repairs to gaps in sidewalks left on the drawing board.

Recently members of Everett Bike Walk drafted a letter to the Mayor and Everett City Council that contains three steps the group would like to see the city implement. Here is that letter.

Dear Mayor Franklin and City Council members:
Everett Bike Walk is a group of Everett’s roadway users who believe that the ability to ride a bicycle and to walk throughout our city is a vital part of making Everett a healthy and desirable place to live, an economically viable place to do business, and an environmentally responsible community. Formed in October, 2017, with approximately 120 members (and growing), Everett Bike Walk meets monthly to coordinate efforts in making our streets safe and efficient for all.

It is our opinion that support for non-motorized transportation has been lacking in Everett, and this needs to be addressed on three areas: institutional change in city operations, infrastructure improvements, and cultural acceptance of bicycle and pedestrian modes as legitimate means of transportation. We request that the city move forward with implementation of its Bicycle Master Plan (adopted 2011), plan future growth and development with non-motorized transportation as top priorities, and develop a plan to build pedestrian sidewalks throughout all neighborhoods.

Everett Bike Walk recognizes that:
The city has undertaken many projects that continue to make Everett a desirable place to live, work and play.
— Non-motorized transportation connections between Everett’s many amenities are needed to increase safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, reduce traffic congestion, alleviate parking constraints, and build community within our rapidly-growing city.
— We need to consider the transportation needs of our children and future generations by building safe bike and walk routes to schools, and throughout the community.
— A healthy community values the safety of all citizens, regardless of age, ability, transportation choice or socio-economic status. Owning and operating a motor vehicle should not be a requirement for safe mobility within our city.

We recommend three specific steps that the city can take today:
— Work with Everett Bike Walk to install at least 50 new bike racks throughout the downtown core.
— Work with Everett Bike Walk to fund and implement comprehensive wayfinding signage, as specified in the city’s bike master plan. We have mapped sign locations and developed informational content for the routes identified within the plan.
— Appoint a “Non-Motorized Transportation Coordinator” (NMTC) among city staff to ensure non-motorized transportation options are prioritized and effectively implemented at any, and every, opportunity.

Our dream is to see Everett become one of the most bicycle and pedestrian friendly cities in the Pacific Northwest. We hope you’ll join us and help steer our city toward a more human powered future.

Everett Bike Walk is asking people to add their name to the letter as a show of support. You can do that here. If you’d like to learn more about Everett Bike Walk here is a link to their Facebook page.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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