It was the first civics academy course offered in Everett and according to officials was a rousing success. Over the course of 8 weeks participants spent three hours every Monday evening and a couple of Saturday field trips learning about Everett. The city even produced a YouTube Video on how great the class was featuring interviews with class participants. You can see that video here.
This morning received word that the city had decided to not offer the class this year and the following note was posted on the Everett Essentials webpage:
2018 update
Due to changes in staff teams and our focus on the mayoral directives, we are putting the program on hold for 2018 as we won’t be able to give the course the attention that it deserves this year. We are committed to offering the program again as it was such a success and is a true benefit to the community. We plan to host the course again next year. We have many other ways to get involved with the City: You can also reach out to Special Projects Manager Julie Frauenholtz, who is overseeing our Community Engagement and Inclusion directive, for information on other ways to get connected to the City.
April 12, 2018
Everett Government