Mukilteo Schools Invite Public To Learn About District Security And Safety Efforts

March 25, 2018

Everett Schools


Mukilteo Schools are inviting the parents and public to learn more about safety and security in the schools.

Starting Monday March 26th and continuing into April the Mukilteo School District is inviting the public to attend their School Board meetings for special presentations on school security and safety. There will also be a special presentation on April 4th with a national expert on supporting students and staff in times of crisis. Here is more from Andy Muntz at Mukilteo Schools.

Those concerned about school safety and security can learn about the school district’s efforts regarding that issue by attending a series of three presentations that will take place during the next three school board meetings.

The series gets underway next Monday evening with a presentation about facility security systems by Karen Mooseker, the school district’s executive director of support services.

That will be followed on April 16 by a presentation about safety training and on May 14 by a presentation about providing social and emotional support. The school board meetings begin at 6 p.m. and are held at the District Office, 9401 Sharon Drive in south Everett.

The school district also has arranged for a visit to Mukilteo by Dr. David Schonfeld, who is one of the nation’s leading experts in supporting students and staff members at times of crisis and loss. Schonfeld worked with the staff at Kamiak in the aftermath of the tragic shootings in Mukilteo during the summer of 2016 and has also provided his services in the wake of shootings in Parkland, Florida; Newtown, Connecticut; Las Vegas; Marysville; Spokane; and many others.

While here, Schonfeld plans to meet with staff members at ACES, Mariner, and Kamiak and will offer a community presentation at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4 at the Kamiak Performing Arts Center.

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