Fireworks A New Year’s Eve No-No In Everett Area

December 30, 2017

Police Blotter

fireworks complaints

All fireworks are illegal in the city limits of Everett.

Just a reminder that discharging of fireworks of any kind is illegal within the city limits of Everett not only on the 4th of July but also on New Year’s Eve.

Fireworks are also illegal in unincorporated Snohomish County on New Year’s Eve.

That is a change from the 4th of July where fireworks are okay in the county.

  • You can legally discharge fireworks on New Year’s Eve in:
    • Arlington
    • Darrington
    • Granite Falls
    • Monroe
    • Snohomish
    • Stanwood
    • Sultan

Here is a link to the Snohomish County Fireworks map showing when and where fireworks are allowed on New Year’s Eve.

There will be extra police on patrol in Everett and unincorporated Snohomish County on Holiday patrol looking for impaired drivers.

One other reminder, it is always illegal to discharge a firearm up into the air within the Everett City limits. (You know that whole what goes up must come down theory and all…)


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