Old Village Inn Building On Evergreen Way May Finally Be Demolished

November 12, 2017

Everett, Everett Economy

Village Inn

A Burger King is expected to replace this former Village Inn.

In 2011 fire damaged the Village Inn restaurant at 8525 Evergreen Way in south Everett. Plans were to rebuild but they were dropped and the property fell into dis-repair with thieves stripping out most anything metal inside the building.

In the years since, several different people have looked at taking over the space. At one point the City of Everett even considered it as a location for low barrier housing.

Parking issues have been cited as a major reason for the building to sit for so long but now it looks like much talked about plans to put a Burger King at that spot may be moving forward.

Permits have not yet been pulled but plans have been submitted and as of last week are under review at the City of Everett Building Department and Public Works to demolish the building and build a Burger King.

No time line has been established. MyEverettNews.com will follow and update you on the progress of the project.


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