Music4Life Program In Everett Needs A Boost

September 29, 2017

Everett, Everett Schools


Demand for gently used musical instruments in Everett has grown over the last year.

Last year we told you about the Music4Life program coming to Everett to help supply used instruments to kids who wanted to learn music but couldn’t afford to buy or even rent an instrument.

Last year 90 instruments were provided for kids in Everett Schools. This year the members of the Everett Music4Life Booster Club are asking for more support as demand has grown.

Here’s a quick overview of the program…


Help give a kid in Everett the gift of music.

Music4Life ( provides ready-to- play musical instruments to schools for students in need. We get these instruments from people who realize that their highest and best use is to put them back into play. These same people understand the unique value that participation in instrumental music activities has on the life and education of a child: Better performance in and understanding of concepts in math, science, history, literature, international languages, reading, writing, even in computer science. In addition to what it teaches in terms of teamwork and self-discipline. These benefits are available to all students, unless their families cannot afford to get them a musical instrument in the first place. And in today’s economy, many families cannot afford even to rent a musical instrument.

This is where Music4Life steps-in. We get the musical instruments fully repaired. When we have adequate financial resources, we also can buy new musical instruments teachers tell us they need. Music4Life gets volume discounts from participating vendors. Still, repairs and new instruments — even when discounted — can be costly. On average, it costs us $125 to repair a musical instrument.

Click here to donate to Music4Life or learn more.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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