Retired Everett Fire Marshal “Un-Retires” Until After Mayor’s Race

September 27, 2017

Everett Fire, Everett Government

fire marshal

Leroy McNulty is back part time as Fire Marshal for Everett until a new Mayor is sworn in.

Leroy McNulty came out of retirement to be the Everett Fire Marshal in February of this year.

He was hired by then Everett Fire Chief Eric Hicks. After four months on the job, Hicks resigned and became Chief of a Fire District in King County.

On May 30th Timothy Key was appointed interim Everett Fire Chief. In July, McNulty announced his resignation as Fire Marshal effective August 7th and Everett conducted an advertised search for a replacement.

Multiple people applied for the post and interviews had been scheduled. That process has now been halted and McNulty is back as the interim Fire Marshal. Here’s the explanation via email from Meghan Pembroke at city hall…

The interview process for fire marshal is on hold with the upcoming mayoral election. Mr. McNulty is stepping in as the interim fire marshal on a part-time basis until the second phase of the interview process can be completed at the beginning of the year.

The salary range for the position ranges from $9,696.00 – $12,629.00 Monthly.

As far as the top job goes it will be up to whoever is elected Mayor to decide whether to keep Timothy Key as Everett Fire Chief or select someone else to lead the department on a permanent basis.

The upper ranks of the Everett Fire Department have undergone a massive shuffle this year with different people in and out of major staff positions. And at the top, three different people have served as Everett Fire Chief in 2017.

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