Everett Suspends Rules Objected To By Uber And Lyft, Asks For Service To Resume

September 1, 2017

Everett Government

Editor’s Update Froday 12:05 PM: Lyft has resumed service in Everett, Washington.
Editor’s Update Friday 11:25 AM: Uber has resumed service. Here is their statement just issued…
“We appreciate the decision by the City of Everett to allow us to continue providing safe and reliable transportation options to residents and visitors while the Council revisits the ordinance. We look forward to working with city officials to resolve outstanding issues.”

–Brooke Steger, Uber General Manager for the Pacific Northwest

ride share

The new rules went into effect in July but the ride-share battle continues.

(Published 10:33 AM) In response to both Lyft and Uber suspending service within the Everett City limits the City of Everett just issued the following notice…

We know that our community members value having convenient transportation options, and our goal is to develop a solution that keeps Lyft and Uber in Everett. Given the concerns expressed by the companies this week, the City Council has asked to take another look at the for-hire ordinance. Staff will develop additional options for Council’s review in the coming weeks.

In the interim, the City will provide a grace period and will not enforce the conditions of the ordinance that are under review, including the vehicle inspection and business license attestation requirements. We hope that Lyft and Uber will consider resuming services during Council’s review.

We’ll let you know how the two companies respond.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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