Editor’s Update Thursday July 27th 8:45 AM: This has to be one of the largest comment strings and posts ever on our Facebook page. The article has more than 176 thousand view and been shared more than 1700 times. There are hundreds of comments. Facebook is the place where we encourage our reader community to comment and interact. I did ask specifically last night via email for a response from Everett City administration and also Everett Police. Here is the response provided by Everett Police Chief Dan Templeman this morning…
“While I can certainly understand the frustrations of all of our city residents and business owners who have been impacted by the opioid epidemic, I choose to remain focused on finding solutions that will positively impact this crisis that has affected nearly every community across the country. The Police Department and the City will continue to work with our community partners, explore innovative programs and dedicate resources to this area of the city in an effort to reduce the negative impacts felt by the business community.”
Over the past couple of years MyEverettNews.com has written stories regarding the businesses in the area of 3600 – 4000 block of Smith street. Mostly they have focused on the issues the folks are facing with theft, vandalism, drugs and other crimes. Last week we did a follow up and at that time talked with several business owners who said things really are still quite bad. Gary Watts, owner of Z-Sport told us he was fed up with the problems and also addressed the city council a couple of weeks ago. Today Watts put this sign on his location at 40th and Broadway right at a major gateway to the city. MyEverettNews.com received several copies of the sign and went out to verify and share these photos. We’ve also asked the city administration and Everett Police Chief by email for their reaction to the sign.If you have an opinion you can join what is sure to be a very lively discussion on our Facebook page. We will update you with more information as it comes available from Gary Watts or the city.
July 26, 2017