How Does Your Vision Of Everett Compare With Reports for 2025 and 2037?

July 3, 2017

Everett Government


Check out how a volunteer group of citizens sees Everett in 2037 and how that compares to a report issued 12 years ago.

On Wednesday the Everett City Council will get a look at a new visioning report for how Everett may look in 2037. This is an update from the 2025 Vision Report issued in 2005. thought it would be interesting to show you both visions and see how they may match up with yours….

During their Jan. 23, 2016 retreat, the Everett City Council and Mayor Ray Stephanson agreed to appoint a committee to conduct a review of Everett’s Vision 2025 and to lay out a new vision for the next 20 years. The Vision 2025 Committee had completed its work in 2005, and elected officials felt that 2016-17 was a good time to revisit the city’s future. Much of Vision 2025 has come to fruition, but the city has also changed a great deal over the previous 12 years. The Council and Mayor asked for a new look from a new committee of Everett citizens.

Here is the overview from the Vision 2037 Report to be issued this Wednesday.

In 2037, Everett is a remarkable city that has something to offer for everyone who chooses to make it their home. Thanks to proactive planning and strong leadership, Everett is a vibrant urban center that honors its industrial legacy while thriving in a knowledge-based economy. Everett has enjoyed strong, sustained economic growth, and a broad range of jobs are plentiful. A highly-trained, highly-capable workforce is enthusiastic and available to fill those jobs. People want to live, work, and recreate in Everett because of its beautiful physical surroundings and sense of place, and because the city ensures that housing is attainable for all income levels, and that the city has safe streets, a strong education system, ample opportunities for civic engagement, a thriving arts and cultural scene, and entertainment for all ages and interests. The city has recognized the demographic and cultural changes that have occurred over the past two decades. Those changes have been fully embraced and all citizens feel respected and included in the city’s emerging identity. Everett celebrates the unique character of individual neighborhoods, while also providing city services and amenities in equal measure to each of those neighborhoods.
The arrival of Sound Transit’s light rail system has encouraged new modes of transportation and transit-oriented development, and an increased emphasis on biking and walkability has resulted in friendlier neighborhoods, a healthier population, and closer connections among residents. Everett has thoroughly anticipated population growth and increased density, and developed a wide variety of attractive housing options, mixed-use commercial and industrial real estate, green spaces and supporting infrastructure to incorporate that growth.
Here is a link to the full Vision 2037 Report to be released this Wednesday.

Here is the overview from the Vision 2025 Report issued in April of 2005

It is the year 2025. Everett has dramatically transformed itself from its early industrial roots to an attractive, safe, and progressive city. It has done so by building partnerships to pursue the vision set for itself in 2004. Emulating King County’s successful “Forward Thrust” program of the 1960’s, the City presented vision-inspired bond propositions to the voters, encompassing publicly-financed capital improvements in the areas of education; economic development; urban design; parks, activities and culture; harborfront/riverfront; and transportation.
The overall outcomes demonstrate that Everett is a diverse, active, caring, healthy, and well-educated community where residents enjoy living, businesses thrive, cultural arts flourish, and to which visitors return often.
Click here to see the full Vision 2025 Report released in 2005.

Both committees were all volunteer and made up of members from a wide cross-section of Everett.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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