Everett Street Re-Paving Season Starts Monday

June 2, 2017

Everett Government

Everett repaving

Repaving in Everett begins June 5th and is expected to finish sometime in July.

The good news, a lot of streets in Everett are going to be much smoother. The bad news, they’re going to get bumpier first. On Monday the annual street overlay program begins throughout Everett. The money for the annual street overlay comes from that extra $20 in car registration fees city officials approved in 2014 when they formed a Transportation Benefit District.

Below is a press release on the program as well as a link to the list of streets to be re-surfaced and proposed timeline which is subject to the weather.

Street resurfacing is scheduled at various locations in Everett beginning Monday, June 5, and continuing through July. Crews will grind down and remove old pavement, install new traffic detection wires, and repave and restripe the roadway.

Drivers can expect lane closures and traffic delays during construction. Signs will be posted advising motorists of detours, street closures and parking restrictions. The City’s contractor, Granite Construction, is responsible for notifying affected homes and businesses.

For a list of streets, a tentative schedule, and other information, visit www.everettwa.gov/2017overlay (PDF). Construction is expected to be completed by mid-July but could be delayed by weather and other factors.

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