If You Use The Trestle, Take This Study

April 4, 2017


trestle study

The study runs from now until April 17th.

Prior to MyEverettNews.com I spent many years on the radio doing traffic reports for the Everett area and the number one trouble spot was always the Hewitt Avenue Trestle. Especially at the east end where US-2, 204 and 20th street all mash together. MyEverettNews.com received a call this week from the Washington State Department of Transportation asking us to pass along information about a study underway right now for people who travel the trestle and use that interchange on a regular basis. So here you go…

Background and Survey

Learn about this study and take our survey to give us your input on what roadway improvements you would like to see.
In 2016 the Washington State Legislature directed WSDOT to study potential improvements to the US 2, SR 204, and 20th Street Southeast interchange near Everett.

In December 2016, WSDOT formed a project support team of representatives from Snohomish County, Community Transit, and the cities of Lake Stevens, Everett, Snohomish, Monroe and Marysville. This team is currently working to identify existing issues and potential future improvements at the interchange. The project support team will provide feedback and direction on the future potential improvements throughout the duration of the study.

This spring 2017 the public will have an opportunity to provide input on issues and needed improvements through an online survey. WSDOT will provide ongoing updates to the public through the website and community briefings.

WSDOT will use findings from the support team and public survey to develop an Interchange Justification Report. These reports are studies required by the Federal Highway Administration to support changes to highways.

Why is WSDOT studying the US 2, SR 204, 20th Street Southeast interchange?

The population of Snohomish County has more than doubled since 1980 and is expected to gain another 200,000 residents by 2035. This growth will add pressure to the county’s high-traffic routes, including the US 2, SR 204 and 20th Street Southeast interchange, which already experiences severe congestion during peak commute times. These backups can sometimes spill over onto other highways and surface streets, creating additional congestion.

The end result

The final study will assist the Legislature’s plans and decision-making for future projects to improve the US 2, SR 204 and 20th Street Southeast interchange.

Study benefits

  • Public involvement: Driver and community input will be incorporated into the final study provided to the legislature, ensuring that potential future improvements work for highway users.
  • Stakeholders: Key representatives from various agencies and jurisdictions will provide feedback and direction to ensure that any potential future improvements reflect area needs and are coordinated with local agency road projects and improvements.
  • Informs future decisions: At the end of this study, WSDOT will provide a list of unfunded projects that the Legislature can use in the future to make decisions about the interchange.

What is the study timeline?

  • Winter 2016 – spring 2017: Development of potential future improvements with project support team
  • Early spring 2017: Public outreach via an online survey
  • Spring 2017 – winter 2017: Analysis of potential design options
  • Spring 2018: Final study delivered to the Legislature

Financial information

The Legislature allocated $1.5 million for this study through the 2016 supplemental transportation budget.

Click here to take the survey.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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