If you’ve thought about making your views heard but don’t want to run for office, joining one of the city boards might be a good way to start. The City of Everett still has several positions open for this year.
Here’s more information about available positions if you’d like to apply…
The City of Everett is seeking volunteers to fill vacancies on three advisory commissions. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old and current residents of Everett.
Mayor Ray Stephanson will review the applications and make recommendations to the City Council for approval. Interested volunteers can download an application from the city’s website at everettwa.gov/boardsapply, or pick up an application at the Mayor’s office at 2930 Wetmore Ave, Suite 10-A.
Completed applications should be returned to the Mayor’s office or lbrandt@everttwa.gov. Please see board descriptions below for application deadlines. For questions, please call 425-257-7115.
Openings include:
- Board of Park Commissioners: This board advises the Mayor, City Council and Parks and Community Services Department on Parks & Recreation activities within the city of Everett. This board meets on the second and, as needed, fourth Tuesdays of the month at 6 p.m. Application due by 5 p.m. on March 10
- Citizens Commission on Salaries of Elected Officials: The Salary Commission is charged with reviewing and establishing the salaries of the city’s elected officials, who include seven City Council members, the Mayor and two Municipal Court judges. The commission meets every other year and is required to complete its work by the first week in May. The first salary commission meeting of 2017 is scheduled for Thursday, March 2, at 2 p.m. Application due by noon on March 1
- Diversity Board: This board advises the Mayor on matters related to diversity, equitable hiring and employment, creating a welcoming city, access to services, civil and human rights and inclusion. The board supports City efforts to ensure that the City workforce reflect the population of our broader community and that all residents feel welcome and included in community life. Diversity Board Meetings are held once a month from 4-5 pm, typically on the third Monday of the month, except for January and February, when they meet on 3rd Tuesday due to holidays. No meetings in August. Application due by 5 p.m. on March 10
For more information on boards and commissions, visit www.everettwa.gov/boards.
February 24, 2017
Everett Government