Their current license was set to expire at the end of November. In their request for denial Everett Police cited a list of violations in 2015 including:
- Failure to utilize traceability system
- Open/Consume marijuana packages on the licensed premises
- Sale to minor
- Person under the age of 21 to enter or remain on licensed premises
- Advertisement failed to include warnings required by WAC 314-55-155
- Licensee gave away coupons to advertise and/or sell a marijuana product
Some of those violations were repeat incidents. In their letter to the WSLCB, Everett Police wrote that the violations cause the Everett Police Department and the City of Everett great concern over KushMart’s business practices.
In May of this year the WSLCB entered into what is known as a stipulated settlement agreement that combined all of the 2015 violations into one settlement. The board fined KushMart $6000.00 and approved their pending license renewal for the 2015 – 2016 period and also indicated it was planning to approve their license renewal for the period of December 1, 2016 – November 30, 2017.
In advising for the November 2016 renewal, enforcement officers from the WSLCB said Everett’s objections to the renewal were based on violations in 2015 and that KushMart had no violations in 2016. Since a settlement had been reached, the enforcement division felt KushMart had already withstood the test for accountability and shouldn’t have their license placed in jeopardy over the same violations.
KushMart is one of the most successful marijuana retailers in the State of Washington. According to the website from January 1st through November 30th of this year KushMart reported retail sales of $8,262,480.00 while paying $3,057,118.00 in Excise Taxes to the State of Washington.
Since first opening in November of 2014 KushMart has sold more than 13.5 million dollars worth of retail marijuana. That’s three times more than the next retail marijuana store within the Everett city limits.
December 9, 2016
Everett Government, Police Blotter