TOEvember Socks To Warm 100,000 Toes!
Matt Hammerstrom, Claudia McClain and 6022 pairs of socks.
Socks fill the lobby at McClain Insurance.
A pickup loaded with 6000 + pairs of socks!
Last month we told you about Matt Hammerstrom and his bid to collect ten thousand pairs of socks for needy folks during the month of November. Today we caught up with Matt at McClain Insurance in south Everett and he told us that he’s made his goal! At McClain Insurance they collected 3011 pairs of socks. Claudia McClain matched each pair for a total donation of 6022 pairs of socks. “I’m just amazed at the way this has gone,” said Hammerstrom. “We even got socks sent to us from Australia.”
This is the second year for TOEvember and donations look to be about double the total from last year. One of the the goals is for the socks to stay in the areas in which they were donated. For McClain Insurance that means their collection will be going to the YWCA, Everett Gospel Mission, Women’s shelter and Cocoon House.
Hammerstrom has seen steady growth in TOEvember drives across the area and branching out into other states. This year Florida, Montana, Ohio, California and Connecticut participated in one way or another and there’s hope the theme will spread to all 50 states.
Hammerstrom filled the back of his full size pickup with donations today from McClain and still had two more stops to make. As of last count they were at 10,173 pairs of socks and counting. If you’d like to help grow TOEvember next year, you can contact Matt on their Facebook page.
socks, Toevember
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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.
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December 5, 2016
Events in Everett