Well this year, TOEvember is back and bigger than before. Matt wants to get more than 10,000 pairs of socks collected during this month. The socks will be donated to the shelters nearest the donation sites. You can check out the TOEvember Facebook page for a list of sock drop off locations.
Why socks? Socks are among the most needed but least donated items at homeless shelters. Dry socks are essential to anyone living on the streets. Being without warm, dry socks can lead to foot ailments including infections, frostbite, and even blood poisoning.
MyEverettNews.com sponsor McClain insurance collected thousands of pairs of socks last year and this year they want to double that amount. Literally. Claudia McClain, owner of McClain Insurance says for every pair of socks donated at their office they will match it with a second pair. “We loved this event when Matt came up with the idea and had such fun participating last year,” said Claudia McClain. “This year we’re taking it up a notch.”You can drop off pairs of new clean socks Monday – Friday from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM at McClain Insurance, 10410 19th Avenue SE Everett – 98208 just south of Costco now until November 30th.
November 3, 2016