Editor’s Update Tuesday Aug. 23rd 9:15 AM: Thank you to the 10 new supporters who contributed yesterday. Just 24 more supporters to reach our goal of 100 this month. From cars into buildings to heroic work of local firefighters we’re excited to bring you photos you won’t find anywhere else. Thank you and please keep up the support! – LD
Yesterday 53% of our visitors were new MyEverettNews.com readers. Welcome. As a new reader we’d love to have your support. We’re asking 100 people this month to pledge at least 3 cents a day ($10) for a year to help keep us going. You can click here to do just that right now.It was a slower Sunday with just five new supporters bringing us to 66 readers who are now supporters this month. Still looking for 34 more folks to join in. We did have 1661 unique users yesterday along with 1889 sessions and 2612 page views. For the month of August so far we’re at 33,013 unique visitors, 55,157 sessions and 86,247 page views. 55% of our readers this month have been women, 45% men. The number one age range is 35-44 followed by 25-34. Oh and out of the 33,000+ readers this month, 66 people pledged at least 3 cents a day for a year. You can see there are a lot of folks who could join this party and we’d love to have you. Thanks again for all who have helped so far. – Leland Dart
August 22, 2016