Everett Mall shoppers get a closer look at youth homelessness.
We first told you about the “Somebodies” campaign last summer.This unique project by Cocoon House put a dozen life-like mannequins all over the City of Everett.
The mannequins, also referred to as ‘Somebodies’ are a representation of homeless youth. Each figure or ‘Somebody’ is wearing a sweatshirt that informs on why a young person may become homeless or a subsequent threat to their well being.
There are four “Somebodies” placed around the Everett Mall so kids and their parents shopping back to school can have conversations and maybe work together on solutions.
There’s a sign or floor graphic that provides more information on youth homelessness and ways the community can help.
You can also learn more on the campaign website… savesnocokids.org
If you’d like to donate, simply text the word “GIVE” to 72727.
August 9, 2016