Heads-Up Everett, PUD Meter Readers Working Saturday

August 5, 2016


meter readers

Don’t be surprised to see a PUD meter reader in your neighborhood Saturday.

Just a heads-up to pass along from Snohomish PUD. Meter readers will be working in many neighborhoods tomorrow in and around Everett. The readers don’t normally work on Saturdays but Neil Neroutsos with Snohomish PUD sent MyEverettNews.com the following explanation when we inquired…

It’s a combination of factors – we are playing catch up due to summer vacations and we have had some employees transitioning to new jobs, so we are down a few staff. The good news is that with monthly meter reads starting in October we will have additional staff on contract to help with the meter reading work.

Meter readers do wear PUD uniforms and drive PUD vehicles.

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