Grey Skies Won’t Dim Everett’s Fireworks Show

July 4, 2016

Events in Everett, Everett

fireworks show

The crew has been assembling the show on a huge barge.

fireworks show

The show should have twice the number of fireworks this year over last.

fireworks show

The largest shells are 10″

fireworks show

The show is fired from the barge behind this barrier.

Had a chance to go out on Port Gardner Bay this morning and get on the barge where they will be firing off Everett’s Fireworks Show.

Wayne Ulrich and his crew from Western Fireworks were busy loading shells into tubes.

He did his first show in Everett back in 1980.

I asked if the grey skies would hurt the show and he said some of the shells may get above the clouds but the majority will be visible.

The fireworks show starts at 10:20 PM with the best viewing near the northern areas of the Port of Everett.

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