Everett Police SUV Hits Man On Ground

June 27, 2016

Everett, Police Blotter

Everett Police SUV

Medics get ready to transport the man who was hit.

Everett Police SUV

Officers look at the scene

Everett Police SUV

Medic 5 took the man to Providence

Everett Police SUV

Everett Traffic Detectives investigate the scene.

A man was taken to Providence Regional Medical Center after being hit by an Everett Police SUV in the 3600 Block of Smith Street.

The incident happened just after 8:00 AM as the officer was arriving in the area to assist with the Monday morning clean up.

The person who was hit did not appear to have life-threatening injuries.

Everett Police Traffic Detectives are investigating.

Here are a few MyEverettNews.com photos from the scene.

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