Everett Attorney Rewarding Kindness

June 18, 2016



Attorney Rick Merrill has found another way to give back to Everett and Snohomish County.

Kindness. It’s often overlooked or taken for granted.

This week Everett attorney and MyEverettNews.com supporter Rick Merrill announced a plan to reward people in Everett and Snohomish County who go the extra mile to show kindness.

If you know someone who should be recognized, take a moment and submit their information. That act of kindness can result in a gift to a local charity. Here’s what you need to know.

Going the Extra Mile in Service…

Because of his country roots, Rick has a great appreciation for those who are polite, and who reach out to those around them with kindness. He likes to see people, helping people. Giving of themselves to assist others, especially when it does not directly benefit themselves.

Rick and his wife have found over the years, that helping charities, is a blessing that is near and dear to their heart.

To Give is Better than to Receive…

What can be better than rewarding those who show kindness, while helping them to give to a favorite charity at the same time.

The great thing about this is that Rick and Dodi have found a way to reward individuals for going the extra mile and help some favorite charities.

Rick is rewarding those who go The Extra Mile…showing politeness, helpfulness, and kindness…

We want to hear about it…

Nominate a person who exemplifies exceptional kindness, politeness, and helpfulness, include a brief explanation of why they deserve this award, and a photo of the nominee where you see them making a difference. This might be at work or in the community.

$100 will be awarded for the selected “Going the Extra Mile” winner

$100 will be awarded for the person who nominated the winner

Each of these people will then get to choose a charity from the list below to receive a $100 donation.

The Everett Animal Shelter
Snohomish County Food Bank
Senior Services of Snohomish County
Dawson Place Child Advocacy Center
Women and Children’s Shelter
Mens Shelter
Sarvey Wildlife Center
Samaritan’s Purse
Children of the Nations

With the winner and nominator being given the opportunity to choose a destination for this donation, Charity wins a total of $200 in donations.

The Extra Mile goes past in a blur…so enter right away…

Complete and submit this form (scroll to bottom for form) before the due date of August 15th 2016

After you submit your entry form, we will contact you with instructions for you email a photo of the nominee to complete your entry.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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