Fatal Car-Ped Crash At Pecks and Evergreen

April 19, 2016

Everett, Police Blotter

Crash at Pecks

Firefighters worked on the victim at the scene but were unable to revive him.

crash at Pecks

An officer talks with a person of interest several blocks from the crash site.

Everett Police traffic detectives are investigating a fatal crash at Pecks and Evergreen in central Everett.

It happened about 8:45 PM when a man was reportedly hit by a white Honda.

Police located the Honda a few blocks from the scene and are talking with a person of interest.

It was the second fatality crash in the same day for Everett Police who investigated a car-motorcycle fatality crash at Center Road and Highway 99 around 2:00 PM.

Here are a couple of MyEverettNews.com photos.


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