Everett Calls Emergency Marijuana Time Out

retail marijuana

Everett doesn’t want any more retail marijuana stores for at least 1 year.

At its Wednesday City Council meeting the City of Everett will hold a public hearing on prohibiting any more retail marijuana stores for up to a year. Everett, WA is treating this as an emergency and will hold the public hearing and all three readings of the ordinance together.

Currently there are five recreational retail licenses authorized by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board for locations in Everett. Four stores are up and running and the fifth is undergoing final permitting.

In December the board doubled the amount of stores it would allow in Everett. The State is telling medical marijuana stores that they have to close or convert to recreational retail stores. Everett has never allowed medical marijuana.

The idea of more recreational stores in Everett was unacceptable to Everett City Council member Scott Bader who told MyEverettNews.com at the time, the city had done its fair share and he didn’t want any more stores to open in Everett.

In the ordinance scheduled for a public hearing and vote Wednesday night, Everett says it wants a one year time out to…

  • Evaluate the changes being proposed by the Liquor and Cannabis Board
  • Evaluate crime related data from the current stores in Everett and around the State
  • Evaluate the societal impacts of retail marijuana stores in neighborhoods where they operate
  • Analyze where another five stores would fit into Everett given current zoning restrictions
  • Conduct an analysis of where and how many marijuana stores are operating outside Everett city limits
  • Evaluate the need for any additional land use or other regulations related to retail marijuana

The city says this is an emergency ordinance for the public health, safety and welfare and to prevent the establishment of vested rights that could be incompatible with the plans, policies and regulations that could be adopted as a result of this Ordinance.

You can see the complete proposed ordinance here.

If you are for or against the idea you will get a chance to speak at the public hearing before a council vote is taken. The meeting is set for 6:30 PM at the City Council Chambers, 3002 Wetmore in downtown Everett.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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