Volunteers are needed to help support the annual Point in Time (PIT) Count on Thursday, Jan. 28, in Snohomish County. On this single night of January, counties across the United States will also conduct PIT Counts for their communities.
During the PIT Count, volunteers work together to identify the homeless population in our community, which in turn, helps determine levels of homelessness, causes, needs, and other information about homeless citizens. The results of the count help establish how much state and federal funding the County may receive.
On the day of the Count, shifts run from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. and the first 30 minutes of every shift consists of training. Following the training, volunteers will break off into groups of 2-3 and go to a specific geographic area to gather information.
While collecting information, volunteers also distribute items such as coats, blankets, socks and hygiene kits. Groups will then return to the initial meeting spot and debrief their survey findings with a trained worker.
Providers will be on hand to assist those on the streets with a range of issues, including medical and housing needs.
If you’d like to help, but aren’t able to volunteer for the count itself, PIT partners are also accepting donations of flashlights, batteries, hand warmers and hygiene products on or before Jan. 28.
For those interested in volunteering for the Count in central Snohomish County (including Everett), please contact Chelaina Crews at chelainac@ccsww.org, or to help with the youth count, contact Elysa Hovard atElysa.hovard@cocoonhouse.org. Learn more about the Point in Time in Snohomish County, or see what the Count is all about.
January 7, 2016
Everett, Everett Government