Cold Weather Shelters In Everett, WA

November 20, 2015


cold weather shelter

The Salvation Army Shelter in Everett will be open tonight.

Cold Weather Shelter time is here. contacted several organizations for information about cold weather shelters in the city and the rules on when they open. Here is what we found.

The City of Everett does not operate any cold weather shelters. They stay in contact with various providers and will refer people to them.

The Snohomish County Red Cross told us they refer people to call 2-1-1 to find the nearest cold weather shelter.


In the event that the projected “feels like” temperature between the hours of 12:00 am and 4:00 am hits 34 degrees, EGM will enact emergency cold weather overflow procedures at both our Men’s and Women and Children’s shelters. EGM will determine no later than 12:00 pm each day if overflow beds will be available.

Men’s Shelter Specifics

Overflow capacity at the men’s shelter is limited to 20 guests. Available slots are given away on a first come first served basis beginning at 4:00 pm. You may call 425.740.2550 to find out if we are on emergency cold weather overflow, but not to sign up for a bed. Should EGM Men’s cold weather beds be at capacity and other cold weather shelters in our area are open, we will provide transportation to those shelters.

Women and Children’s Shelter Specifics

The women and children’s shelter accepts single women and women with children beginning at 4:00 pm on designated cold weather days. You may call 425.740.2501 to find out if we are on emergency cold weather overflow.

Conduct and Expectations

Emergency cold weather guest are subject to the same conduct expectations as any other guest of EGM. Bed fees are waived for cold weather emergency shelter guests.

Emergency cold weather overflow is determined on a day by day basis and may end at any time.


The Salvation Army does host an Emergency Cold Weather Shelter at 2525 Rucker Avenue in Everett.

It opens at 8:00PM (a little later on Thursdays) if the weather meets the following conditions:

The weather forecast on the NOAA website indicates a temperature 32 degrees or less for more than four hours
Temperatures below 32 degrees with precipitation OR Temperature below 25 degrees

The Salvation Army 2525 Rucker Ave will be open TONIGHT 11/20 at 8pm. Doors will be locked at 10pm, after which time guests can be let in if escorted by Everett PD or FD.

We’re still waiting to hear back from Volunteers of America but know they do operate a 2-1-1 line that can direct people to various services available in Everett. If we find more we’ll let you know.

About My Everett News Staff

My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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