Archive | November 16th, 2015

Everett To Accelerate Housing First Plans

November 16, 2015


In September, the City of Everett announced plans to have 20 units of low-barrier housing for those experiencing chronic homelessness ready to use over the next two years. Tonight, after hearing Lloyd Pendleton speak on how Utah addressed its efforts to battle chronic homelessness, Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson pledged to have those 20 units up […]

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Seattle Inmates To Be Released in Everett With a Bus Ticket

November 16, 2015


This weekend we told you of a proposal revealed by our news partner The Seattle Times between the City of Seattle and Snohomish county to house Seattle prisoners at the Snohomish County Jail in Everett. That agreement was passed today by the Seattle City Council budget committee and is expected to be signed by the […]

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