Everett Official Weighs In On Potala Developer

Potala Everett

People are moving into the 6-story mixed use development.

As part of an in-depth piece on Lobsang Dargey, the developer of Potala Place, Lanie McMullan Executive Director of Economic Development for the City of Everett tells MyEverettNews.com news partner The Seattle Times…

“The kiss of death is, try to run before you can walk,” said Lanie McMullin, director of economic development for the city of Everett, which helped Dargey launch his career in EB-5. “Because of the nature of EB-5, where lots of money comes in fast for projects, it’d be really hard to monitor your growth rate in a wise and thoughtful way.

“Here was a good, young starting developer who just had too much too fast.”

Earlier this month MyEverettNews.com gave you a sneek peek inside Potala Place which takes up a full block on Grand between Wall and Hewitt and is almost complete with 72 of its 220 units already leased.

Seattle Times business reporter Sanjay Bhatt has a great in-depth piece today explaining the growth of Dargey’s Path America, statements made by local and State elected officials that were less than factual and where the case against Dargey stands today. Click here for the full article.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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